2019年12月9日 星期一


光波,水波,量子波,或重力波,都具有普遍性的波動特性。除了已知的干涉,疊加,傳播等現象外,現在我們也可以把“拓樸(topology)”加入光學實驗。在此”自然通訊 (Nature Communications)“文章中,我們調製非線性係數,來實驗拓樸控制。並且透過理論,數值模擬,和實驗,首次在光學實驗中演示不同的拓樸數目操控。除了本所李瑞光教授外,合作單位還包含了羅馬大學耶路撒冷大學

此工作並被”自然物理 (Nature Physics)“在十二月份,特以日本浮世繪大師葛飾北齋的名畫“冨嶽三十六景之《神奈川冲浪裏》” 來專文報導。

神奈川沖浪裏,我來了 !!

Topological Control of Extreme Waves

看來下次給報告,可要穿上葛飾北齋的“神奈川沖浪裏” ^.^

而且,以後去“義大利”, 可是有吃不完的蛋糕 !!

Optical waves, water waves, quantum waves, and gravitational waves, all share the universal characteristics. In addition to interference, superposition, and propagation, now we have bring“topology” into this wave family. In this paper, published in Nature Communications, we introduce the new concept of topological control based on the one-to-one correspondence between the number of wave packet oscillating phases and the genus of toroidal surfaces associated with the nonlinear Schrödinger equation solutions through Riemann theta functions. We demonstrate the concept experimentally by reporting observations of supervised transitions between waves with different genera. This work is also highlighted by Nature Physics in Dec. 2019, with the most famous painting on Tsunami, “The Great Wave off Kanagawa (神奈川冲浪裏)”, from Japanese artist, ukiyo-e painter (浮世繪) , Katsushika Hokusai (葛飾北齋).

Giulia Marcucci*, Davide Pierangeli, Aharon J. Agranat, Ray-Kuang Lee, Eugenio DelRe, and Claudio Conti, "Topological Control of Extreme Waves," Nature Comm. 10, 5090 (2019); Research Highligh by Nature Phys. 15, 1210 (2019).



