2014年5月19日 星期一

A trip to France

我們家哥哥代表班上去參加“英文演講比賽” !!

哥哥可是卯足全力, 每天晚上都要播放投影片背誦練習 !!

"A Trip to France"

Ladies and Gentlemen, Good morning, I'm Young. Today, the title of my talk is "A trip to France". Two years ago in the summer, because my father attended a meeting in France, I went on a trip to France. I went with my father, my mother, my brother, and my friend. The distance between Taiwan and France is very very long, so it took more than ten hours to arrive there. I was so tired for such a long flight.

We stayed for sixteen days in France. We visited the Louvre museum, where we saw lots of master pieces.

For example, we saw the most famous painting in the world, Mona Lisa; the most beautiful sculpture all the times, Venus de Milo; the greatest art at Greek time, Nike of Samothrake.

The museum is so large, and we walked all day long. We were so hungry but ate ice cream only. We also saw the Seine river and castles.

In this trip to France, my favorite part was playing with my brother and my friend. That's all. Thanks everyone.

好吧, 雖然沒有得獎, 還是給我們家認真準備的哥哥拍拍手 ^.^

