繼溪頭, 日月潭, 巴黎, 花蓮後, 瑞光國小校友鄭小弟總算來新竹玩 ^.^
2013年7月23日 星期二
2013年7月21日 星期日
書來了 !!
等了好一陣子, 兩年前寫的一篇小小章節, 總算拿到書了 ^.^
這本厚達 705 頁的合著專書, 裡頭總共有 28 章, 我們貢獻了 1 個章節, 12 頁 !!
看來下個目標, 應該是自己寫本書吧 ^.^
Blas M. Rodríguez-Lara and Ray-Kuang Lee, "Classical dynamics of a two-species Bose-Einstein condensates in the presence of nonlinear master processes," Book chapter in "Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking, Self-trapping, and Josephson Oscillations," edited by Boris A. Malomed for the series in Progress in Optical Science and Photonics (Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelburg, 2012).
這本厚達 705 頁的合著專書, 裡頭總共有 28 章, 我們貢獻了 1 個章節, 12 頁 !!
看來下個目標, 應該是自己寫本書吧 ^.^
Blas M. Rodríguez-Lara and Ray-Kuang Lee, "Classical dynamics of a two-species Bose-Einstein condensates in the presence of nonlinear master processes," Book chapter in "Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking, Self-trapping, and Josephson Oscillations," edited by Boris A. Malomed for the series in Progress in Optical Science and Photonics (Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelburg, 2012).